Taking your business from good to great

Every business is only as good as the people in it and supporting it.

Meet Courtney Rogers

Moving Forward with Anita Pagnani

We are currently working with Anita Pagnani from Moving Forward with Anita Pagnani. Anita is a life coach with an incredible passion for working with, and helping, people. We love working with people who genuinely have a passion for helping others. Selfless, kind, beautiful human beings! Anita's natural default is to put others before herself. Which is why she needs a business coach! She needs someone objective, on the outside, looking in who can say “no, Anita. That’s not right for you or your business” and push her to challenge her circumstances when her natural default is to say “yes” and “ok”, when sometimes she needs to say “no” and “go away”. We all need to do that sometimes! And our business coaches are there to help us know when it’s appropriate to do so and remind us that it’s ok to say no!

Trading 4 Walls for 4 Wheels

The Andrews family are taking the biggest leap of their lives - giving up traditional employment and their home to travel Australia for a year with their 3 daughters. They are looking to expand their social media business and reached out to Courtney Rogers Consulting for help with their business strategy, marketing and social media strategies. We LOVE being a part of the success that a family of 5 will benefit from for years to come, and a family dream their girls will never forget. Priceless!


Emma Thomson from EST came to us when her life changed - she had a baby! So her business needed to change to. Her businesses needed to mould into something that could support work-life balance for Emma whilst still being a successful business model to support Emma and her family now and into the future. Sometimes managing competing priorities can be tricky. And it can be a race against the clock in terms of our personal circumstances vs how our businesses can support that. That's where your business coach can help. They can help you focus, restrategise and implement faster than you could have done on your own. Thereby expediting the impacts of said changes and achieving your goals faster.

Every business needs help.

We are passionate about helping all small to medium business reach their full potential. If you don't have a business strategy, a handle on marketing and branding and a strategy for business growth, you are wasting time and effort, and not making the revenue or profit you should be. How about investing a tiny bit of time and focus into that and seeing what happens?

Even business coaches need business coaching. Everyone does.

Courtney Rogers, about the business coaching and support she receives from Courtney Rogers Consulting for mikoandmollie.com

Up until now, I have found it daunting and challenging running a business...Courtney has helped me overcome emotional blockages, taking into consideration my personality and mission. It has been an extremely easy process accessing and following her guidance, all whilst remaining true to my personal beliefs...She also allowed me to see a larger vision that I previously hadn't thought of, and sold myself short on. I am very grateful for making this choice, and her belief in myself and my mission. I look forward to further business growth with her.

Anita Pagnani, Moving Forward with Anita Pagnani

Courtney was nominated for Telstra's Business Woman of the Year Award 2020 and we will be staying in touch with her for the 2021 awards.

Telstra Business Woman of the Year Award

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